WANTED: 1978 Li'l Red Express from Leake Auto Auction Tulsa 2018 - wanted - by dealer - sale - craigslist (2025)

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WANTED: 1978 Li'l Red Express from Leake Auto Auction Tulsa 2018 - wanted - by dealer - sale - craigslist (1)

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WANTED: I am looking to speak with somebody who has any information leading to the whereabouts of my dad's old 1978 Dodge Li'l Red Express truck. My dad came up on hard times and sold the truck over 10yrs ago. I wanted to purchase it from him but unfortunately I was in no financial position to do so due to bills and bad credit at the time. I spoke with the owner who purchased it from my dad here in Maine and he stated it ended up in Oklahoma. I was able to trace the most recent owner that I could find in Oklahoma. He stated it was sold at the Leake Auto Auction in Tulsa Oklahoma in 2018. He also stated he believes the buyer was possibly a dealer from the Dallas TX area. When it sold at the auction it no longer had the west coast mirrors or bumper marker lights on it. Also, somebody along the lines added a/c to it. The search continues daily. A little history on it - My dad purchased this truck from the original owner who my parents had known for years and went to school with here in Bethel Maine. My dad purchased the truck around 95/96. The original owner purchased the truck brand new from a small Chrysler deanship, Bessey Motor Sales, here in South Paris, Maine., about 30 mins from Bethel. The reason my dad purchased it was because the original owner had MS and the disease was getting progressively worse and he knew he didn't of much time left. He asked him if he wanted to buy the truck because he knew he was a Mopar guy and the truck would be well taken care of. His family was a little upset with his decision but that's what he wanted. He knew his family wouldn't take as good of care of it as my dad would. The truck was still in excellent shape when my dad sold it to a gentleman here in Maine. I drove and maintained the truck more than he did. It was kept in my garage for years. I drove it to car shows, had it in parades and the occasional cruise here and there. I actually drove this truck to high school. The same high school the original owner went to. Kind of cool knowing the truck was back in the high school parking lot again after almost 20yrs. I know the original owner was looking down smiling. I actually got married and drove off in this truck. I remember the first time I saw it. I was around 15/16yrs old I believe. It was getting dark outside and I just happened to be looking out the kitchen window and I heard and saw the truck pulling in the driveway. I thought it was a small fire truck at first. He had the marker lights on and all I saw were those, the shiny stacks and bright red paint. I was all smiles from ear to ear and ran right out to see what it was. I remember how cool it sounded and opening the passenger side door and looking in. To this day remember the smell inside the cab. It was like brand new in and out or at least to me at 15/16yrs old it was. The truck had 56K when my dad sold it and was still sporting the original dealership tags " Bessey Motors " on the front fenders. The truck had some extras that the original owner had installed, fog lights, cab lights, visor, bumper side marker lights, west coast mirrors and custom-made wooden rails on the back to match the wood on the sides. The truck came factory with black interior, which was in excellent shape. The truck had buckets with the console, tuff wheel, no a/c and solid rear window. The chrome tips had some small patches on them that my dad welded on due to some rust holes from the moisture, He wanted to keep it as original as he could. He twisted the tips out a little due to the soot that would shoot all over the side of the truck on the initial start after sitting for a while. I could point out a couple factory runs that were in the paint. There is another thing I could point out in the cab that probably wouldn't be noticeable to the naked eye that nobody else would know. Please, if anybody has any information whatsoever on the location or owner of my dad's old truck, I would greatly appreciate it. My dad is not in the greatest of health these days and I would love the opportunity to bring her back home to him. I would really like to talk to the current owner. I have attached photos of what the truck looked like in 2016. Like I mentioned, any information that will lead me to the whereabouts the truck would be great. 517239 are the last 6 of the VIN. I have the first registration slip the truck ever had along with original documentation and parts. Please help me locate my dad's old truck, thank you.

    post id: 7791384847



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    WANTED: 1978 Li'l Red Express from Leake Auto Auction Tulsa 2018 - wanted - by dealer - sale - craigslist (2025)
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