The Most Expensive Celebrity Funerals (2025)

Last updated 24th June 2024 by the SunLife Content Team
4 min read

We’ve seen some seriously expensive celebrity funerals over the years, from presidents of the United States to the King of Rock.

After leading such lavish lifestyles whilst alive, there’s no wonder they had equally extravagant funerals.

Here’s just a few of the most expensive celebrity funerals to date.

1. Ronald Reagan – $400 million

In 2004 the United States' beloved president, Ronald Reagan, died.

His casket was laid in the U.S Capitol for two days, and over 200,000 mourners came to pay their respects. The public funeral was held at Washington National Cathedral before a private burial in California.

Reagan’s funeral lasted a full 7 days. But that’s not why it was so expensive.

George W. Bush declared a national day of mourning. This closed the stock markets and gave federal employees the day off. It caused internal expenses to skyrocket, making it the most expensive funeral ever.

2. Queen Elizabeth II – £162 million

Queen Elizabeth II died on 8th September 2022, aged 96. When her death was announced, the UK started 10 days of national mourning. Her funeral was held on the 11th day.

Queues to pay respects to the coffin were more than 24 hours long at one point, snaking for seven miles through central London. High logistical and security costs were needed to manage this safely.

The funeral was the first state funeral since Sir Winston Churchill’s in 1965. It was held at Westminster Abbey and attended by over 2,000 mourners. It also drew huge international attention and was watched by millions across the world.

3. John F. Kennedy – $15 million

The world was shocked when US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Many people remember it vividly today.

JFK was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. The burial plot alone cost $13 million, so there’s no wonder his entire funeral cost a total of $15 million.

4. Princess Diana – £5 million

In the early hours of 31st August 1997, Princess Diana of Wales died after a car crash in Paris. Her sudden death affected millions around the world, with seas of flowers and shrines to commemorate her everywhere.

She was given a form of ceremonial royal funeral, despite no longer being married to the then-Prince Charles. Policing costs alone for the day came to around £2.2 million. And the total cost was estimated between £3 and £5 million pounds. That would be over £9 million today.

5. The Queen Mother – £5.4 million

The Queen Mother, mother of the late Queen Elizabeth II, died in 2002 at the great age of 101. It was televised, and many mourned as she was given a ceremonial funeral in London’s Westminster Abbey.

Her lying in state alone cost £825,000, whilst policing efforts for the day cost roughly £4.3 million.

6. Pope John Paul II – €9 million

Pope John Paul II was one of the most influential religious figures in recent history. He is credited with helping to end the cold war and improve relations between the Catholic church and other faiths.

In 2005, his death and funeral brought together a huge gathering of leading figures. His funeral lasted seven days and came to 9 million euros overall.

7. Margaret Thatcher – £1.2 million

Baroness Margaret Thatcher died in 2013, 23 years after her time as UK Prime Minister. The funeral cost £1.2 million, but it had been expected to cost around £1.6 million. The fee for the St. Paul’s Cathedral service alone was £67,908.

Thatcher divided opinions in the country. So there was also a hefty spend on security to protect the service from protesters.

8. Michael Jackson – $1 million

Universal pop icon, Michael Jackson, died on 25th June 2009. His extravagant memorial was held twelve days later, but his body was not buried for weeks. He was laid to rest at Los Angeles' Forest Lawn Cemetery, at a cost of $855,730.

His casket was named ‘The Promethean’. It was made from solid bronze and cost $25,000 alone. It was plated with 14 carat gold and lined with blue velvet.

He was buried with some of his most treasured items, including his iconic white gloves. His family even had his casket entombed in concrete so it could not be disturbed.

9. Elvis Presley – $25,000

The King of Rock was announced dead at the young age of 42 on August 16th 1977. Less than 24 hours later, over 80,000 people watched as a single white hearse took Elvis to his resting place in Memphis.

Although it may not sound like a lot, Elvis’s funeral cost the family just under $25,000 (translating to almost $130,000 in today's money).

Preparing for the cost of a funeral

Not everyone needs (or wants!) the most expensive funeral to commemorate their life. A funeral is for loved ones and family members to pay their respects and share fond words. But it can also be a place to celebrate and toast to a life.

Whatever the funeral you desire, over 50s life insurance can help your family to cover the cost should you pass away.

If you’re starting to think about what you might want for your own funeral, our free My Perfect Send Off tool is a great place to start.

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The Most Expensive Celebrity Funerals (2025)


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Yet the largest funeral crowd ever recorded was for a man little known outside his home country. Upon his death in 1969, C.N. Annadurai was the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India.

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Because she was much-loved, the Queen had a change of heart and allowed Diana a ceremonial funeral that cost the equivalent of $11.8 million dollars today. Britain's Queen Mother, the mother of Queen Elizabeth II, passed away in 2002. She was given a ceremonial funeral in London's Westminster Abbey.

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A casket often is the single most expensive item you'll buy if you plan a "traditional" full-service funeral. Caskets vary widely in style and price and are sold primarily for their visual appeal. Typically, they're constructed of metal, wood, fiberboard, fiberglass or plastic.

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Elvis's family spent nearly $25,000 for his funeral. That may not sound like an exorbitant amount, but remember, it was 1977 when The King died.

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1. Alexander the Great- $600 millionThis ancient Macedon king who presided over the largest empire in the world from the Ionian Sea to the Himalayas enjoyed the most expensive funeral till date. He passed away in 323 BC and was placed in Gold Casket and transported in a gold carriage pulled by 60 horses.

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List of largest funerals
FuneralDateNo. of attendees
Funeral of Elvis PresleyAugust 16–18, 197775,000
State funeral of Sir Robert MenziesMay 19, 1978~100,000
State funeral of Houari BoumédièneDecember 29, 1978
State funeral of Park Chung-heeNovember 3, 1979~2,000,000
92 more rows

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It is estimated that one million people viewed President Lincoln's body from the time of his death until his burial in Springfield, Illinois. His coffin was the most elaborate of that time. President Lincoln also had the distinction of having the largest funeral throughout the world, until President John F.

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'My family didn't want to come': Ray Martin on attending his own funeral – and facing up to death | Television | The Guardian.

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Diana's former husband, sons, mother, siblings, a close friend, and a clergyman were present. Diana's body was clothed in a black long-sleeved, three-quarter length woollen cocktail dress designed by Catherine Walker which she had chosen some weeks before, a pair of black pantyhose, and a pair of black shoes.

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Camilla, the current queen consort, may have been at Diana and Charles's wedding in 1980. one, but she was not present for Diana's funeral. nearly 16 years later. Apparently, the Queen made it clear to Charles.

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The least expensive traditional funeral option is an immediate burial. It consists of the very barest essentials.

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Coffins get tapered to conform to the shape of a human form. A coffin also has a removable lid while caskets have lids with hinges. Coffins are usually made out of wood and lined with cloth interiors. Unlike caskets, they do not have rails that make transportation easier.

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The average cost for a burial insurance policy is approximately $50-$100 monthly for roughly $10,000 in coverage. Multiple factors determine the net price, including your exact age, health, tobacco usage (if any), the type of policy, state of residence, and how much coverage you buy.

Who has the most expensive casket? ›

Some of the most expensive ones include Zsa Zsa Gabor's casket, the Xiao En Center Casket and Michael Jackson's casket — the Promethean. Other luxury caskets and premium caskets include the Hallmark Bronze casket and the casket of Robert Wadlow, who was the tallest man in the world.

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High Paying Funeral Professional Jobs
  • Funeral Director. Salary range: $52,500-$76,000 per year. ...
  • Embalmer. Salary range: $41,000-$58,000 per year. ...
  • Cemetery Caretaker. Salary range: $42,500-$50,500 per year. ...
  • Funeral Arranger. Salary range: $44,000-$50,000 per year. ...
  • Crematory Operator. ...
  • Funeral Attendant.

How much did Queen Elizabeth's funeral cost? ›

LONDON — The state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II cost the U.K. government around £162 million ($201.4 million), the Treasury said on Thursday.

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