This guide shows the complete walkthrough of Patches questline in Elden Ring. You will find him at four different locations and he will play different tricks on you.
Patches Location 1: Murkwater Cave
Patches Location 2: Scenic Isle
Patches Location 3: Mt Gelmir
Patches Location 4: Volcano Manor
Patches Location 5: Shaded Castle
What if you Kill Patches?
Patches Location 1: Murkwater Cave
The first location you will find Patches is in the Murkwater Cave. Go inside the cave and make your way to the fogged wall. Walk into the fogged wall and open the chest inside. At this point, Patches will attack you. Fight with him, and when almost a quarter of his health is left, he will yield. Spare him for the quest to progress.

Come back later to Patches location. He would have become a vendor. You will find a new chest inside his room in the cave. He will ask you to open the chest. This is a transporter trap chest. When you open it, you will be teleported to a location, where you will have to fight three giant bears. You can come back to the cave and talk to Patches. He will tell you that he didn’t trap that chest.

Patches Location 2: Scenic Isle
The second location you will find Patches is in the Scenic Isle. Rest at the Site of Grace, and Patches will appear near it. Talk to him and he will tell you that a surviving virgin in the Academy of Raya Lucaria can teleport you to the base of the Erdtree.

Go to the Schoolhouse Classroom in the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Go out through the western door of the classroom and jump on the waterwheel blade as shown below.

When the blade reaches the top, run ahead and jump on top of the next blade as shown below. You need to do this so that you do not fall down.

This blade will carry you to the bottom. Here you will find a surviving virgin as shown below. If you let yourself get caught by it, as Patches suggested, you will die and get transported to the underside of Volcano Manor.

Patches Location 3: Mt Gelmir
The third location you will find Patches is in Mt. Gelmir. You will find him hiding in the bushes south of a wooden tower, west of First Mt Gelmir Campsite as shown in the pictures below.

He will point you to some shimmering objects as shown in the picture below. He would have placed messages on the ground and a trail of shimmering objects to lure you to the edge.

When you reach the final shimmering object near the edge of the cliff, with a human skull next to it, a cutscene will start and he will kick you down the cliff.

Patches Location 4: Volcano Manor
The final location you will find Patches is in the Volcano Manor. You can reach there easily by following Rya’s questline. It is highly advisable to do Rya’s questline as it is linked with Volcano Manor’s Lore. Click here for the complete walkthrough of Rya’s questline.

After completing two Volcano manor requests, talk to Patches to get his request.

The assassination target from Patches’ request is near Magma Wyrm Site of Grace in Mt Gelmir as shown below. You will have to defeat Magma Wyrm Makar boss after arriving there. After that, interact with the red summon symbol to invade the target Great Horned Tragoth’s world. You will receive Bull-Goat Armor Set on defeating this target.

After defeating the target, go back to the manor and report to Patches. Then talk with Tanith. Talk to Patches again and he will reward you with a Magma Whip Candlestick.
After defeating Volcano Manor area boss, God-Devouring Serpent, talk to Patches, and he will call you “Scheming Little Bastard”. After that Patches will leave the Manor.
Patches Location 5: Shaded Castle
After leaving the Volcano Manor, Patches could be found inside the Castellan’s Hall in the Shaded Castle as shown in the pictures below. On talking to him, he will give you a Dancers Castanets and will request you to give it to Tanith.

Go to the location where you fought Rykard. Here, you will find Tanith devouring Rykard’s body. Try to give the Dancers Castanets to her, but she will refuse. When you go back to Patches’ location, you won’t find him there. The next location of Patches is not known yet. The questline seems far from over. The guide will be updated as soon as we find Patches’ next location.

What if you Kill Patches?
If you kill Patches, he will drop Leather Armor Set, Spear +7, and Patches’ Bell Bearing. You can give Patches’ Bell Bearing to Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold and his shop items will be available for purchase with her.